Data Understanding, Data Analysis, Data Science (Course Notes)

  Data Understanding, Data Analysis, Data Science

   Volume 1: Prelude to Data Understanding

     Data Understanding, Data Analysis, Data Science

      846 pages | October 2023 | Quadrangle
      Preface | Contents | Index | Datasets

      DUDADS Volumes: [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | PDV]

      Idlewyld Analytics and Consulting Services    Data Action Lab
Chapter 01: Programming Primer (106 pages)
      P. Boily and J. Schellinck (with contributions from K. Cheung, A. Crowther, C. Ma, and E. Ghashim)
Chapter 02: Multivariate Calculus for Data Analysis (40 pages)
      F. Donzelli and P. Boily
Chapter 03: Overview of Linear Algebra (34 pages)
      F. Donzelli (with contributions by P. Boily)
Chapter 04: Basics of Numerical Methods (46 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by D. Guignard)
Chapter 05: A Survey of Optimization (26 pages)
      P. Boily and K. Cheung
Chapter 06: Probability and Applications (84 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by R. Kulik)
Chapter 07: Introductory Statistical Analysis (72 pages)
      P. Boily (with contributions from S. Hagiwara)
Chapter 08: Classical Regression Analysis (82 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by G. Lamothe)
Chapter 09: Time Series and Forecasting (108 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by R. Kulik)
Chapter 10: Survey Sampling Methods (134 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by P. Farrell)
Chapter 11: The Design of Experiments (70 pages)
      P. Boily (inspired by D. Haziza)
Chapter 12: Simulations and Modeling (23 pages)
      J. Schellinck and P. Boily

Back Cover Description: "Start your multidisciplinary journey into the world of data science with Volume 1 of Patrick Boily's Data Understanding, Data Analysis, and Data Science series. Crafted in collaboration with practitioners and leading scholars, this groundbreaking tome is more than a 'book' -- it's your go-to reference manual, filled with examples, exercises, and hands-on applications.

Jump into the core principles of programming and explore specialized topics such as numerical methods, probability theory, and survey sampling. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, Prelude to Data Understanding offers an immersive, tool-agnostic approach designed to cultivate true comprehension, not just rote learning.

Discover why data science is a dynamic field influenced by analytic choices, and why understanding its complexities is not just a task but an ongoing adventure. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a curious mind, this is the ultimate guide to gaining a well-rounded grasp of data's multifaceted nature.

Perfect for parallel reading alongside guided lectures or for independent study, Prelude to Data Understanding is the first step into a world where data is not just numbers, but a story waiting to be told."